Mobile ordering and marketing solution
for car rental companies
Easy payment processing
You will be able to offer your customers an easy payment processing option to pay through your website or mobile application. The system will automatically debit the money from the credit card attached by the customer.
Social Media Ordering
Make rent payment easy for your customers. You can offer your customers to rent and pay rent directly from your Instagram page.
Mobile-first design
At least 80% of our users use mobile phones, so we take special care for them. We create design that is optimised for the screen size and user actions. We do this by making sure all images are properly sized and responsive that allows users to flow naturally on any device
Multi-vehicle adaptability
Wize is a multi-vehicle Platform that allows you to have total control over an entire fleet. Connect multiple types of vehicles and track them in one interface for a streamlined experience.
Recurring payments
Automatically charge your customers at regular intervals on the same day of each period, like every month or once a week.
We make it easy for you to accept rental payments
Give your customers the freedom to order and pay rent on social media. We offer a simple solution for you to collect rent payments on Instagram.
Easy payment processing
You will be able to offer your customers an easy payment processing option to pay through your website or mobile application. The system will automatically debit the money from the credit card attached by the customer.
Digital storefront
Take your website from being a simple listing on a landing page, to a fully-featured digital automated storefront.
Damage inspection
Allows you to take pictures damage with paint peeling, scratches, dents, add detailed descriptions and marks.
Telematics and smart vehicle monitoring
The platform collect information on acceleration and braking, as well as location, speed, and fuel levels of the connected vehicles.
Take your business digital today.
More than just an ordering system & payment solution
From the moment you sign up, our team is here to help your business succeed. With dedicated account managers, we're here when you need us and have what it takes to increase your profit.
Designed for car rental business
Having a car rental business and not being able to manage the entire process is one of the biggest struggles in this industry. We've designed our platform to help you cut down on time spent managing your fleet, worry about maintaining customer service and allow you to focus on driving your business forward.
Our platform was designed to deliver outstanding flexibility, customization and power to your business. We'll help you automate processes, boost productivity, and reduce cost with a host of capabilities and tools.
Automate your business with Wize
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