
What is this file?

This file is used by Atlassian Cloud to verify ownership of your domain name.
Generated at 2024-06-21 11:39:25 UTC.

I have direct access to my web server

  • Upload this file to the root folder (top-level folder) of your domain's website.
  • The file must be accessible at:
  • Return to Atlassian admin screen to complete the verification process


I am using a CMS or other managed service

  • Create a page with the path: atlassian-domain-verification-8fcf4d95-cce5-4c7d-8e43-d92316826594.html
  • Insert this token somewhere into the page: kYRSI/FC6/qQwrWhaL7GuBlyoAtSTul1zeH7hCTb1LOvnhVpEatQlWtg3x3GIOA6
  • For security reasons please ensure that only site administrators can edit or post comments to this page.
  • Return to Atlassian admin screen to complete the verification process


Domain Verification Token

This token must be found in the page at: